Itfaiye Meydanı

This authentic marketplace, hundreds of people, based on years of experience with a wide range of commodities and products spot goods sellers and second-hand business owners and service, provide their customers with both spot new and second-hand goods buying and selling, shipping and transportation services. Let's show the service areas of spot sellers and second-hand goods buyers and sellers as main and sub-categories.

  1. Buying and Selling of Household Goods

  1. Furniture 

  2. Jewelries

  3. TV 

  4. Computer and Electronics 

  5. Home Appliances 

  6. Carpet 

  7. Home Accessories Trading

  1.  OfficeFurniture Trading

    1. Office Furniture 

    2. Office Supplies Buying and Selling

  2.  Trading of Industrial Goods

    1. Restaurant Materials 

    2. Cafe Materials Patisserie Materials 

    3. Market, Grocery Materials

    4. Kitchen Equipment

    5. Table Chairs

    6. Hairdresser Materials Trading

  3.  Accessory Trading

    1. Rosary

    2. Jewelry

    3. Watches Trading

  4.  Buying and Selling

    1.  Antiques Antique Carpets Rugs 

    2.  Antique Furniture

    3.  Antique Accessories Trading

  5.  Buying and Selling

    1. Clothing 

    2. Shoes,

  6. Shipping and Handling ( Porter ) Service

second hand goods seller buyers